Thursday, July 31, 2008

Living Works

Suicide is an ongoing concern in the mental health area, with the NZ Maori population being even more hard hit by it than the European one, particularly amongst younger people.

One group that is focused on ways to prevent suicide is Living Works.
Their website says the following:

[Our] programs were developed in response to a growing concern about suicide. They recognise that many who consider suicide would rather live if they could find support to stay safe and deal with painful problems in living. Their suicides are preventable.

Many things can help prevent suicide. LivingWorks focuses on increasing the awareness, knowledge and skills of caregivers - resourcing them to play a more informed, active suicide prevention role.

Vision: enhancing resources today, saving lives for tomorrow.

Mission: to create learning experiences that help communities prevent suicide.

Aim: to support sustainable, life-assisting resources.

Outcome: for the benefits to live on.

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