Thursday, June 05, 2008


We've been sent a notice about this course in the hope that anyone who doesn't get to hear about it, and should, will!

A Four Day Block Course in Christchurch

Dates: July 29 - August 1

Times: 9.30am to 4.00pm

Venue: To be advised

Cost: For tertiary level credit through Carey Baptist College: $538. For audit (no assignments) $250

Presenter: Murray Brown (YouthTRAIN)

Who for: Paid youth workers, interns and key volunteer youth leaders looking to improve their ability to care for teenagers

Content: At the end of these four days you will be able to:
- Describe the physical, emotional, intellectual and moral changes that occur during adolescence.

- Describe various faith development theories

- List the various "needs" of adolesence

- Identify those factors that lead to poor adoscent adjustment

- Describe the effect of various parenting styles on adolescents.

- Develop a Biblical philosophy of pastoral care

- Explain various strategies for pastoral care in youth ministry

- Describe a three step process for helping adolescents work through problems

- Describe approaches for dealing with common adolescent issues.

Presentation will be varied and interactive and will include reference to the two 180 page workbooks that are supplied with enrolment.

Enrolment: For further details and to enrol, email me. Enrolments for credit students closes 25 June for returning students and 9 July for new students and those doing the paper for audit purposes

Contact me if you'd like further details.

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