Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jonny Baker course

Jonny Baker is a well-known blogger, and photographer (his pictures appear in flickr.com). But he's far more than that. He's a leader/pioneer in mission training in the UK, and has just developed a new approach to training pioneer/mission leaders.

He and his team are using a foundation degree through Oxford Brookes University as the framework. You can read the latest newsletter-cum-prospectus online. This outlines the work required for the three-year course.

As Jonny notes, 'it's a pilot year so we'll be learning loads but it is still the real deal for those people who have signed up with us.' (Jonny doesn't like to use capital letters or much in the way of punctuation more than full stops in his blog posts, but don't let that put you off.)

He adds, 'if you are a pioneer mission leader, involved in a mission project or church planting, and yes even if you are selected as an ordained pioneer do get in contact if you're interested for next year.' The course is in modules, and you can do individual ones if you wish.

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