On the Out of Ur site, there's a review of the latest book by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. (Clairborne's first book, The Irresistible Revolution - living as an ordinary radical, has been amongst the top twenty 'Christian living' titles on Amazon for a couple of years).
The new book is called Jesus for President, an intentionally ironical title, since the authors' stance is basically a criticism of the way Christians have 'got into bed' with the State, in the USA.
David Swanson has written two of an intended three-part review on the book, and the comments that follow the first part provide an interesting insight into the way thinking on this very topic is very mixed in the US.
Claiborne and Haw are amongst the founding members of The Simple Way, a New Monasticism community in the US.
Wouldn't you say that the title "Jesus for President" is a sarcastic title, rather than an ironic(al) one?
Yup, I'm sure it's got an element of sarcasm in it too. Although I suspect the Simple Way and sarcasm might not be compatible!
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