Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More from Rick Warren on Leadership

You never lead by yourself. You always do it in context of a team. All great leaders are great team builders. In fact, if you don’t have a team, you’re not a leader. You’re a loner. The test of leadership is whether anyone is following you.

Jesus modeled this kind of ministry. He never did ministry alone. Mark 3:14 says, “He appointed twelve – designating them apostles – that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach.” Jesus enlisted other people to serve the cause with him.

If God gives you a vision for your ministry, he’s going to bring other people with the same idea together with you. If nobody agrees on your idea, guess what? It’s not from God.


Steve Blackwell said...

I think you have it all wrong. The test of leadership is not whether anyone follows or not. The test of leadership would be more along the lines of whether you are being obedient or whether or not you are preaching the "truth," or whether or not you are representing the Kingdom, not if you have a following. I suppose, using your definition, that Noah was a failure, he preached for 120 years and only had eight followers. It appears that your definition of leadership is just that, yours. Rick Warren may be a really nice guy, but he is dead wrong on this as he is on so many other things.

Steve Blackwell

Mike Crowl said...

Thanks for your comments. I understand what you're saying, but I think Warren also has some validity here.
I'm not sure that I'd call Noah a 'leader' in the sense that Warren is talking about. You could say the same sort of thing about Jeremiah: he was told to preach, but also told no one would listen, just as they didn't with Noah.