Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Dark Knight of the Soul?

Christian Post reports that a group of youth pastors are emulating fight scenes in The Dark Knight and Quantum of Solace (the latest James Bond blockbuster) to draw in students. Batman and Bond employ the Keysi fighting method based on quick, instinctive movements to neutralize opponents. Keysi, which is technically not a martial art, has grown in popularity since the films.

Jeff McKissack, a Keysi instructor, is targeting churches and youth group leaders by offering to teach self-defense from a faith based perspective. The youth pastors are excited. They've been searching for an alternative since the karate outreaches featuring Ralph Macchio fell out of favor.

It would be interesting to know what youth pastors in New Zealand think of this. The comments that follow this report on Christian Post are surprisingly supportive, and, of course, use all sorts of Scripture verses to back them up.

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